Monday, March 26, 2018

March 23, 2018

Can you say Edcamp???

I did it again....another Edcamp.

This time,  it was Edcamp Pittsburgh.  This time, I invited one of the innovation advocates to go with me.

She was thrilled to join in a chance to expand her PLN and meet others excited to learn and share on a Saturday morning!

I don't think she realized what she was getting herself into, however.

You see, two other DLP coaches joined us as well!!!!

What that meant was actually quite unbelievable and exciting at the same time!

I did not realize what a buzz we're creating!!!  We, of course, wore our team jerseys!
And carried our DLP book bags with us all over the place!
  Yes, we were obnoxious!  LOL  But, they asked us to do a special coaches session, share our ideas about coaching, and speak to those who are just getting started with coaching in their districts.  So.....we did!

People approached us all day.....who are you?  what is that symbol?   what does that mean?  Tell Us More!!!!!

I am so proud, as always, to be a DLP Coaching Fellow.

But, I must say, I am sometimes, I mean, just sometimes, in it for the prizes!  LOL

Friday, March 16, 2018

March 16, 2018

This has been a whirlwind week.

Google Expeditions AR visited....that was a huge success.
The students, teachers and admin loved it.

My school district accepted the contract that our union voted to accept so no strike for us.

More swag came our way!  Flocabulary hooked us up with a cute T-shirt, and Flipquiz sent us adorable stickers and a T-shirt.  Our staff loves swag, so "HINT" DEE....get some #smashboardEDU stickers printed fast!!!!

I think our district is leaning towards letting me coach again next year.

I also think they are bringing more coaches on board.

I just wish they would consider taking our innovation advocates as coaches.  Mine have worked so hard on becoming tech savvy and working closely with our staff to help make using tech tools fun and innovative.   They are ready to coach!!!!

Image result for friday thought of the day

Thursday, March 8, 2018

March 8, 2018

Posting early due to visiting my son in Columbus, GA this weekend!

Just a typical week in public education:

Drug Task Force Dogs visited our school.  An "infraction" occurred, prompting the district to do a sweep of the MS/HS buildings with the Drug Task Force Dogs.  They are simply remarkable animals.

No drugs found on premises.

However, a lock down for this type of procedure took place.  I'm happy to say our students and staff knew exactly what to do.   The parents, however, did not.

We had parents show up at our door during the lock down. 
No entry was permitted.
No one was sitting at the desk to let them in.
Everyone was on lock down.

An all-call went out to parents letting them know what was happening.  Still, some parents .......

Knock, knock, knock.

Door bell, door bell, door bell.

"Hey, I want my child.  We have an appointment!"

We could hear this from our lock down position.

Knock, knock, knock.

Door bell, door bell, door bell.

"What's going on in there?" 

Knock, knock, knock.

Door bell, door bell, door bell.

"Hey!  What's going on???"  I need my child!!!"

When it was all said and done, the parents were understanding for the most part, but some......not so much! 


After everything that just happened in Florida??????

Enough said.

In other news:

Our assistant superintendent quit.  She was hired in November of 2017.  Yes, less than 5 months ago.

We settled our strike for us.

A teacher was asked to resign. (No, not me!)

I obtained more swag.....GoFormative stickers, T-shrits, pencils, stickers from Woot Math, More Pear Deck subscriptions 

We tried #appsmashing in a few classes.....very successful!

My most reluctant teacher (in the beginning) taught the Social Studies department how to use Tour Builder.

And, it's only Thursday!

But....tomorrow is a jean day!  Yay!  Casual Friday!  I am off 1/2 personal day!

I'm leaving on a jet plane......don't know when I'll be back again! 


Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 4, 2018

Oh, these ladies! How they inspire me!
The one thing I love about coaching is learning from the other coaches! The collaboration is priceless! I was lucky enough to have the three of these ladies visit me on Friday, March 2nd. They visited my school, walked in classrooms, talked to students, talked to teachers, and talked to administrators. We shared ideas, we listened to one another's stories, we we lifted one another up as high as we could, we celebrated wins, and we talked about defeats. We made plans for the future. We reflected on how fortunate we are to have met one another and to have been a part of this program.

I learn so much from them!

We are all so different! We look at coaching from different angles but through the same glasses.  I listened to them as they interacted with the teachers and students in my building. We all talk the same talk, but then so many ideas begin to flow!

I'm convinced that collaboration is the key to coaching. Collaborating with other coaches. Collaborating with other teachers. Collaborating with students. Collaborating with the community. Without color variation coaching really loses some of its integrity.

I feel very grateful that the coaches in our region are so close and collaborate together so very often.

I look forward to visiting the other coaches in our region very soon!