Friday, March 16, 2018

March 16, 2018

This has been a whirlwind week.

Google Expeditions AR visited....that was a huge success.
The students, teachers and admin loved it.

My school district accepted the contract that our union voted to accept so no strike for us.

More swag came our way!  Flocabulary hooked us up with a cute T-shirt, and Flipquiz sent us adorable stickers and a T-shirt.  Our staff loves swag, so "HINT" DEE....get some #smashboardEDU stickers printed fast!!!!

I think our district is leaning towards letting me coach again next year.

I also think they are bringing more coaches on board.

I just wish they would consider taking our innovation advocates as coaches.  Mine have worked so hard on becoming tech savvy and working closely with our staff to help make using tech tools fun and innovative.   They are ready to coach!!!!

Image result for friday thought of the day

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